Monday, June 2, 2014

art piece for Roppongi Art Night 2014 @THE RITZ CARLTON TOKYO


Performing Arts Unit “Koo”  performed the real experimental show at The Ritz Carlton Tokyo. We made the evolution process of classic, modern and future, based on the themebody and environment. We also directed the roots for classic ballet, classic music, costume, fashion and technology as an entertainment.
The art works were displayed at THE RITZ CARLTON entrance from 10am 19thApril, and We played the primitive dance and music at 10pm.
Furthermore, We showed the art entertainment with our theme “Evolution” at 45th floor. In particular, the improvisation ensemble  was performed beyond the boundary between art, dance and music.

19th.April 22:00 23:00
THE RITZ CALRTON entrance+45thfloor

19th.April 10:00am20th.April 5:00am

“Koo”−Kazushi Kobayashi/ ARAKI SHIRO / ame.       
Violin/Chika Edanami
Piano/Masahiko Terada
Percussion/Ryo Watanabe

the headpiece for GIVENCHY

the head piece for GIVENCHY

ARAKI SHIRO provided the head pieces for GIVENCHY 2014 SS.